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respite foster care mom

Becoming foster parents in our late 20's was one of the best decisions we ever made.

Hey, y'all!


In 2019, my husband and I became licensed foster parents. We provided respite care for several years, saying "yes" to nine children, some of whom stayed with us periodically over the course of 2.5 years. Playing the role of the "fun aunt and uncle" was nothing short of exhausting but it was totally worth it.  A difficult pregnancy and some lingering health issues led to us "closing" our home (for now, at least)! As a passionate foster care advocate, I needed a way to continue supporting the foster care community during this season where we aren't licensed.​


Initially, I thought about respite care as an avenue for us to ease our way into the foster care world. A way to "dip our toes in." However, when I got to see first-hand how important respite care is and how desperately needed it is on so many levels, I knew it was the role our family was meant to play long-term. It became a source of many friendships, both with children in foster care and foster families, and something that will always have a special place in my heart.


As I began researching, there was not a single online resource dedicated solely to respite foster care. There are plenty of resources on foster care in general, and many of the principles found there apply to respite care as well; however, respite care is unique in some ways that are worth noting.


This website is the outward expression of my inward desire to provide resources and encouragement for respite foster families and anyone who is considering this challenging and worthy pursuit. 


I hope this site provides the answers and support you're looking for.


Thanks for being here!




Emily | Respite Foster Mom

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